Friday, January 15, 2016

Volunteers needed!

Volunteers are needed for the RCMP Regimental Gala Ball and Dinner in support of the Boyne Regional Library expansion, and for the communities' upcoming BlizzardFest.  This is a great chance to get some volunteer experience, pad the resume, fulfill your volunteer requirements, and enjoy the benefits of helping with community events.

Saturday, February 6
Either 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm or 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm helping at various stations in town.
Grade 7 and up students are welcome to volunteer.  Volunteers will get a BlizzardFest shirt.

RCMP Regimental Gala Ball and Dinner
Saturday, March 5
Prior to event - 6 people required for table/chair and curtain set up
After the event - 6 people required to dismantle table/chairs and curtains
During the event - 4 people to serve the meal and 2 people to check coats and take tickets

For more information or to sign up, please see Mr. Phillips.