Saturday, October 4, 2014

2013 - 2014 Yearbooks Are In!

The Carman Collegiate 2013 - 2014 "Piece by Piece" Yearbooks have been delivered to students who ordered them.  Congratulation to Ms. Armstrong, Amanda M, and the yearbook staff on another excellent production.
If you did not order a 2013-2014 yearbook but would like one please contact the office as there are a limited number of extras available.
Work has already begun on the 2014-2015 yearbook which will have the theme, "Remember When".  
We are please to have students on our yearbook staff representing Grades 7-12 this year. If you are interested in working on yearbook you can speak to Ms. Armstrong in the library. We generally meet Wednesdays over the lunch hour in the Grade 8 room behind Mrs. Sigurdson's class. Listen for announcements each week.