Monday, April 27, 2015

Student Council Election Results

Student Council elections took place on Monday, April 27.  Running for president were the team of Madi S and Bailey G, and the team of Jackson R and Rylan M.  Both teams put in a great effort with their campaigning over the last week, and their speeches were equally as good.

We had an 87% voter turn out, and the margin of victory was very competitive.  Congratulations to our 2015 - 2016 Student Council presidents - Madi S and Bailey G.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Student Council Elections Monday!

Student council elections take place on Monday, April 27.  The race for the presidency is on with a great campaign between the team of Bailey G and Maddi S, and the team of Jackson R and Rylan M.  The poster and social media campaigning have been very active in this election campaign.

Campaign speeches take place on Monday, April 27 at 10:45 am in the theatre.

Voting with then take place from 11:15 am to 12:30 pm in Room 25, and from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm in the office.  All students are eligible to vote.

Envirothon revisit Spruce Woods

On Wednesday, April 22, three teams of 5 students participated in the Regional Envirothon Competition at Spruce Woods Provincial Park.  This outdoor event involved students learning about wildlife, soils, forestry, aquatic ecology, and urban forestry from local experts.  In the afternoon, teams participated in the Field Test competition, where they completed a number of hands-on challenges.  The sunny weather made for a great day spent in a picturesque setting!  Competition results will be announced next week and the Provincial Competition will be held in Winnipeg, May 21-23.


As a Career Initiative Carman Collegiate grade 10 students attended the Rotary Career Symposium in Winnipeg on April 21, 2015.  The symposium complements career development initiatives and future educational planning, and provided students with an excellent opportunity to explore a variety of career options, new career opportunities, career discovery activities, and career chat sessions.  Students attended speaker sessions, and met business and educational leaders to learn more about careers and education opportunities.  It is the largest in North America and hosted over 140 of Manitoba’s leading industries, post-secondary and trade associations and employers.  The students enjoyed meeting with experts and gaining knowledge of potential careers as they move forward with their future career planning.  An excellent day!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Sexting Presentation for Parents

Mark Tuesday, April 28 on your calendars.  We have the RCMP ICE (Internet Child Exploitation) Unit coming to the Carman Collegiate Community Theatre at 6:30 pm to tell parents about Sexting.  This issue is becoming more prevalent in our society, and this is a must hear for all parents of student of all ages.  If they have an electronic device, or plan to, then this presentation is a great way for you to hear how to protect your child.  All our welcome to attend this free presentation.

Carman teacher recognized for Ag in the Classroom

Congratulations to Ms. Rosanne Massinon on being nominated for Ag in the Classroom-MB’s Teacher Driver Award for the 2014-2015 school year!  Ms. Massinon will be attended the Annual General Meeting on April 23 for the announcement.  Ms. Massinon has been a lead in the Agroecology Days that our students are involved in, teaches our Agriculture 30 class, and is the lead teacher with our envirothon teams.   

The Science of Food

Do you know what is in your food?  The food manufacturers and activists make many claims but what is science telling us?  Dr. Martin Scanlon, Scientist with the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Department at the University of Manitoba spoke to the Biology 40 and Food and Nutrition 30S classes at Carman Collegiate on Thursday, April 16.  He spoke with students about his career as a scientist and then described what goes into the creation of different foods in order to make them appealing to consumers.  Students learned that air and water makes up a lot of what we eat and that they need to read labels in order to understand what they are eating.  He spoke about the volume of air in ice cream and that is what makes it taste so creamy.  Students might say that one of the highlights of the presentation was at the end when Dr. Scanlon handed out ice cream (and lots of air) for everyone.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Student Council Elections coming up!

Friday ended the student council Spirit Week activities. The morning had our students participate in a mass Gym Riot. Congratulations to team Black who captured the title after a morning of activities.

Student Council Elections are now underway.  Nomination deadline is Friday, April 17.  Campaigning will take place from Monday, April 20 to Thursday, April 23.  Candidate speeches and elections will then take place on Monday, April 27.

Positions open include:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Public Relations

Our Sixth Year of Agro-Ecology

Thursday, April 9 had our students participate in the sixth successful Agro-ecology Day!  Thanks to our sponsors; Monsanto, Farm Credit Canada, CPS, Richardson Pioneer, MAFRD and La Salle Redboine.  The 72 Grade 10 students from Elm Creek, Carman and Miami had a wonderful opportunity to explore Agriculture at the Ian Morrison Farm at the U of M in Carman.   

At the Meteorology session.
The day started off with Sue Clayton from the University of Manitoba presenting the many career options available in the Agriculture industry.  Students then proceeded to circulate between six hands-on stations:  2 soils, weeds, entomology, riverbank assessment and meteorology.  These sessions allow students a chance to see a few of the different areas of Agriculture.   

A student said, "I realize that Agriculture is growing and that there will be a lot of jobs.  My favorite session was the bugs because they crawled on you."  The discovery day helps us meet our curriculum outcomes in science and social studies as students learn about agriculture and sustainability.  

Thanks to all our presenters who make it a great learning day!!

Taking in the French Culture

On Wednesday, April 8, our grade 9 French class travelled to Winnipeg.  They toured Envol 91, a French radio station,where students learned  the ins and outs about radio programming. They got to try their hands at on-air announcements, and introduced music.  From there they enjoyed local French cuisine at RestoGare.
It was a great day spent in French.